This additional reading list was compiled by our good friends at PFLAGDC and is reprinted with their permission.
An important piece of the mission of PFLAG is education. We believe that these books are helpful guides on the road to becoming well-informed about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (glbt) issues. In the spirit of keeping families together and PFLAG’s new Stay Close campaign, many of the following books are geared toward helping families with glbt members understand one another more fully. This list reaches—both in author and subject matter—to individuals of all ages, races, religions, and relationships. As a vast amount of work has been penned and published on sexual orientation and gender identity, we have attempted to recommend the books that are most applicable to today’s society, including works on religion, politics, and history. It is our hope that people will read, enjoy, learn, and of course, stay close!
For more information about the Stay Close campaign, please visit
Compiled by Blake Correa for Metro DC PFLAG February 2005; edited by Andrea Albamonte June 2011
Accepting Your Child
Always My Child: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, or Questioning Son or Daughter
by Kevin Jennings (2002)
This book focuses on the day-to-day experiences of adolescents facing sexual identity issues, while providing the insight and advice parents need to both support their children and cope themselves.
Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk About Their Experiences
by Carolyn W. Griffin and Marian J. Wirth (1997)
Parents of lesbians and gays discuss their experiences, from the initial anger, denial, and guilt to closeness, acceptance, and beyond.
Coming Out As Parents: You and Your Homosexual Child
by David K. Switzer (1996)
This complete revision of Parents of the Homosexual helps parents understand their feelings and reactions to the knowledge that their child is a homosexual. Suitable for counselors and clergy too.
Coming Out to Parents: A Two-Way Survival Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men and Their Parents
by Mary. V. Borhek (1993)
This book provides insight to either parents or gay individuals as they “come out.” It bridges gaps in understanding what your family member is going through during this process.
Family Heart: A Memoir of When Our Son Came Out
by Robb Forman Dew (1995)
Family Heart tells the story of what happened to novelist and PFLAG mom Robb Forman Dew, and her family, when her 19 year old son told her he was gay.
Love, Ellen: A Mother/Daughter Journey
by Betty Degeneres (2000)
In this book, Ellen Degeneres’ mother Betty tells her story: the complicated path to acceptance and her deepening friendship with her daughter, media scrutiny, and tales from her experiences being the first non-gay spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign’s National Coming Out Project. By the same author Just a Mom.
My Child is Gay: How Parents React When They Hear the News
by Bryce McDougall (1998)
Honest stories of parents and the emotions they experienced when their son or daughter told them they were gay.
Straight Parents, Gay Children: Keeping Families Together
by Robert Bernstein (1999)
“As one of hundreds of thousands of parents who love our children, I wish this book would be required reading for the world.” – Betty Degeneres

I’m Their Mom
by Denise Kestell (2008)
A moving and painfully truthful account of being the mother of two gay sons. Denise’s family and friends have contributed to this journey with their own stories of love and acceptance.
It’s Not About You: Understanding Coming Out & Self Acceptance
by Marc Adams (2010)
A practical guide for family and friends of those coming out. This books includes a guide for those coming out on how to live life courageously, confidently and consistently.
The New Gay Teenager
by Ritch C. Savin-Williams (2006)
In this down-to-earth book, filled with the voices of young people speaking for themselves, Ritch Savin-Williams argues that the standard image of gay youth presented by mental health researchers–as depressed, isolated, drug-dependent, even suicidal–may have been exaggerated even twenty years ago, and is far from accurate today.
by Brad Windhauser (2006)
If someone in your family has recently made a declaration of their sexual preference and you don’t understand how or why that happened, this book can go a long way towards helping you understand.
About Being Gay
Coming Out: An Act of Love
by Rob Eichberg (1991)
Written for both men and women, this is a comprehensive step-by-step guide for those attempting to understand their own homosexuality and others reactions to it.
Is It a Choice? Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Gay & Lesbian People
by Eric Marcus (1999)
Eric Marcus provides honest, no-nonsense answers to hundreds of the most common and simple questions about homosexuality, relationships, family roles, “coming out,” politics, and more.
Loving Someone Gay
by Donald H. Clark (1997)
Thoroughly revised for the fourth time, this book offers courageous support and compassionate encouragement for gay men and women and the families and friends that love them, according to Library Journals.
Outing Yourself: How to Come Out as Lesbian or Gay to Your Family, Friends, and Coworkers
by Michelangelo Signorile (1996)
Signorile offers structure, guidance, and straightforward advice to anyone struggling with the overwhelming “coming out” process.
Positively Gay: New Approaches to Gay and Lesbian Life
by Betty Berzon and Barney Frank (2001)
This is a valuable anthology of useful information about how to live a positive and fulfilling gay life. Identity, success as a couple, coming out, and finance are just a few of the many topics covered in this book.
Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Stories
by Bob Guter (2003)
Through the intimacy of one-on-one storytelling, gay men with mobility and neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injury, deafness, blindness, and AIDS, fight isolation from society and each other to establish a public identity and a common culture.
A Woman Like That: Lesbian and Bisexual Writers Tell Their Coming Out Stories
by Joan Larkin (1999)
Personal accounts ranging from exhilarating to empowering to heart-wrenching and encompass extensiveness in experience and background.
The History of Swimming
by Kim Powers (2006)
A memoir about growing up as one of three gay brothers and coming out as a gay student at a small religious college in Texas. “Punched-in-the-gut emotion…raw and engrossing.”
Two Teenagers in Twenty: Writings by Gay & Lesbian Youth
by Ann Heron (1994)
This revision of the book One in Ten is full of personal, first-hand accounts for teenagers, by teenagers, from all over the country coping with their sexual identification. For ages 13 and up.
The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Young People
by Adam Mastoon (2001)
Collection of photos of GLBT youth offers a literal look into the struggles of sexual minority teenagers. personal statements by the teens photographed bring to light what it means to be young and gay today. For ages 13 and up.
GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens
by Kelly Huegel (2003)
This book covers all the basics for GLBTQ teens as well as strives to untie some of the more complicated knots of sexuality, dating, coming out, religion, school, work, and home. For ages 11 and up.
Coming Out, Coming In: Nurturing the Well-Being and Inclusion of Gay Youth in Mainstream Society
by Linda Goldman (2003)
Presented from Linda Goldman’s unique perspective as a school guidance counselor, therapist, and mother, this ground-breaking text addresses the social, emotional, educational, and family issues and challenges involved with raising and nurturing a gay adolescent in mainstream society.
If You Believe in Mermaids…Don’t Tell
by A.A. Philips (2007)
A coming of age story that will inspire not only children who don’t’ conform to gender norms but any child who has ever been targeted as a misfit. Through Todd’s story, people learn that everyone is different in some way and there is more than one way to be a boy.
What If Someone I Know is Gay?
by Eric Marcus (2007)
Following his previous books on the subject, openly gay writer Marcus received a barrage of questions from young readers curious to understand their own feelings or the experiences of others. In response, he offers a detailed, reader-friendly, question-and-answer book that covers many topics, shatters myths, and affirms quite honorably the dignity of all people. For Ages 12-18.
Families with Gay Parents
Families of Value: Personal Profiles of Pioneering Lesbian and Gay Parents
by Robert Bernstein (2005)
From a former lawyer, journalist, and author of Straight Parents, Gay Children – intimate, engrossing, and diverse profiles in courage and integrity from across America of the pioneering families who are inevitably moving same-sex parenting into the national mainstream. . . Their unique stories portray the resistance these brave parents have faced, their views of the current cultural climate and, most importantly, the intense passion and dedication that they have devoted to raising sound, healthy, and well-adjusted children.
Love Makes a Family: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents and Their Families
by Gigi Kaeser, Peggy Gillespie, Kath Weston, and April Martin (1999)
This picture book uses stunning visuals and accompanied writings from those photographed to show the true beauty in all families.
9 Lives, I Will Survive
by Jan Crossen (2007)
Joshua appears to live a charmed life by defying death on several occasions. This is a story of survival, and the interracial adoption of an older, special needs child into a home with two loving and committed mothers.
Children of Gay Parents
How It Feels to Have a Gay or Lesbian Parent: A Book by Kids for Kids of All Ages
by Judith E. Snow (2004)
This book gives voice to the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of children, adolescents, and young adults who have gay and lesbian parents. The children, in their own words, discuss prejudice, harassment, tolerance, and harmony. For Young Adults.
Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is
by Abigail Garner (2004)
The author’s father came out when she was five years old, and she now identifies herself as a “culturally queer” heterosexual woman. This book is Abigail’s first hand account of what it is like to grow up with a gay parent.
For Adult Children of GLBT Parents
Out of the Ordinary: Essays on Growing Up With Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Parents
by Noelle Howey, Ellen Samuels, Margarethe Cammermeyer, and Dan Savage (2000)
This unprecedented collection of short memoirs by adult children of gay, lesbian, and transgender parents demonstrates that love cannot be policed or regulated, and that the bond between parents and children transcends categories. For Young Adults and Adult Children of LGBT parents.
Young Children
Heather has Two Mommies
by Leslea Newman and Diana Souza (2000)
This now-classic children’s story possesses the enduring message that the most important element in families is love. (2000) For Ages 4-8. By the same author, try: Gloria Goes to Gay Pride (For Ages 9-12)
Daddy’s Roommate
by Michael Willhoite (1991)
This book for young readers sets a positive tone about homosexual parents. A young, healthy, affectionate boy describes his father’s relationship with his “roommate,” and his own relationship with the men. For Ages 4-8.
Who’s in a Family?
by Robert Skutch and Laura Nienhaus (1991)
Simple and declarative stories move young readers from one family configuration to the next, offering diversified examples of the modern family. For Ages 4-8.
ABC: A Family Alphabet Book
by Bobbie Combs, Desiree Keane, and Brian Rappa (2001)
This alphabet book shows families playing together and enjoying twenty-six different aspects of family life. The brilliant watercolors depict families headed by lesbian mothers and gay fathers. For Babies through Pre-school. By the same author, try: 123 A Family Counting Book.
How My Family Came to Be: Daddy, Papa and Me
by Andrew R. Aldrich and Mike Motz (2003)
Provides a fun story about a loving family; a great book showing how all families are different but are alike in the love that they share. For Ages 4-8.
The Boy Who Wanted to be a Dancer
by Rod Gambassi (2007)
When Bobby’s teacher asks her class what everyone wants to be when they grow up, Bobby is the only one who proudly announces he wants to be a dancer. His classmates don’t understand. They think dancing is just for girls. Bobby asks his parents about that and they encourage him by enrolling him in a dance class. It’s a surprise ending to a book about family, friendship and dance!
Uncle Bobby’s Wedding
by Sarah S. Brannen (2003)
Chloe is jealous when her favorite Uncle Bobby announces that he is getting married, but as she gets to know Jamie better, she discovers that two uncles are better than one.
And Tango Makes Three
by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson (2005)
Based on the true story of two male penguins in the NYC zoo. For Ages 4-8.
It’s Okay To Be Different
by Todd Parr (2001)
Children are reminded that it’s okay to be different, no matter what their differences or similarities. While tolerance of others is one of the themes, self-acceptance is the most important message. For ages 4-8.
Side by Side: On Having a Gay or Lesbian Sibling
by Andrew R. Gottlieb (2006)
In this first of its kind book, Gottlieb attacks various questions about sexuality and siblings: how homosexuality affects siblings, how siblings deal with homophobia, and the dynamic if more than one gay sibling exists. For Young Adults and Adults.
The Other Side of the Closet: The Coming-Out Crisis for Straight Spouses and Families
by Amity Pierce Buxton (1994)
This book is a comprehensive look at the effects on husbands, wives, and children during the “coming out” process for a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender spouse or parent.
My Husband is Gay: A Woman’s Survival Guide
by Carol Grever (2001)
After Grever’s husband came out of the closet, she made an effort to process her confusion and pain by seeking out women of varying backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities with similar stories.
Married Women Who Love Women
by Carren Strock (2000)
After 25 years of marriage, Carren Strock fell in love with her best friend. Her book tracks the journey from denial to acceptance, and gives insight into her own family, as well as more than one hundred other women’s stories, families, and lovers.
Awakening: How a 53 Year Old Wife and Mother “Became” a Lesbian
by Pat Stone (2009)
A memoir dealing with a woman who comes out after 35 years of marriage and two grown children – including a lesbian daughter, all while president of PFLAG Dallas chapter.
Coming of Age as a Gay or Lesbian Youth
Two Teenagers in Twenty: Writings by Gay & Lesbian Youth
by Ann Heron (1994)
This revision of the book One in Ten is full of personal, first-hand accounts for teenagers, by teenagers, from all over the country coping with their sexual identification. For ages 13 and up.
The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Young People
by Adam Mastoon (2001)
Collection of photos of GLBT youth offers a literal look into the struggles of sexual minority teenagers. personal statements by the teens photographed bring to light what it means to be young and gay today. For ages 13 and up.
GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens
by Kelly Huegel (2003)
This book covers all the basics for GLBTQ teens as well as strives to untie some of the more complicated knots of sexuality, dating, coming out, religion, school, work, and home. For ages 11 and up.
The Preacher’s Son
by Marc Adams (1996)
Marc Adam’s riveting autobiography reveals his journey out of his parent’s abusive home and religion to a place of freedom and hope.
Fictional Reading
Boy Meets Boy
by David Levithan (2003)
School Library Journal says: “Levithan’s prophecy of a hate-free world in which everyone loves without persecution makes this a provocative and important read for all young adults, gay or straight.” This tale of teen love is a wonderful escape to an unfortunately fictional place. For Ages 13 and Up.
Pages for You
by Sylvia Brownrigg (2003)
An unsentimental look at the things that we do for love, most especially, first love. The young protagonist, Flannery Jansen, falls in love with her teaching assistant and is taken on a ride of firsts, including first betrayal. For Ages 16 and Up.
Am I Blue? Coming Out from the Silence
by Various Authors (1994)
This book is an assembly of original stories with gay themes written by many popular children’s and young adult authors. The creative compilation involves tales about growing up gay, or with gay family members or friends. For Ages 13 and Up.
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
by Jeanette Winterson (1997)
Adopted into an evangelical household, protagonist Jeanette and her family must come to terms with her lesbianism. Award-winning gay novelist Winterson tells this semi-autobiographical narrative honestly, innovatively, and with great humor, while staying true to its love story roots. For Ages 13 and Up.
So Hard to Say
by Alex Sanchez (2004)
This story alternates narrators between Xio, a bubbly and popular girl, and her friend Frederick, the boy that she wants to be more than friends with. But Frederick finds himself thinking more about soccer boy Victor. As Frederick moves toward self-discovery, both young teens try to balance friendship and love. For Ages 11 and Up. By the same author: Rainbow High and Rainbow Boys
The Pastor’s Daughter
by Tracy G. Zoeller (2008)
Always taking her father’s Bible verses to heart and never questioning authority, Katie is thrown into turmoil when she finds herself romantically attracted to her new friend, Tina. When Katie’s father discovers the true nature of the girl’s friendship, Katie’s life is forever changed.
The Odd Couple
by Q. Kelly (2011)
A multiverse of convolutions is the path for two women to meet on common ground and learn to surrender grief to enjoy love.
History, Religion, Politics, and Sexuality
The History of Sexuality : An Introduction
by Michel Foucault (1990)
The celebrated French thinker Foucault turns his attention to sex and why the western world is so driven to analyze and discuss it. By the same author, try: The History of Sexuality: The Use of Pleasure
Homosexuality and Civilization
by Loius Crompton (2003)
How have major civilizations over the last two millennia treated people who were attracted to their own sex? In this narrative masterpiece, Crompton examines the achievements of homosexual men and women ranging from the Christian West through Western Europe and into imperial China and Asia, against an ever-present backdrop of persecution.
Strangers at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America
by Mel White (1994)
This true tale is the journey of Mel White—evangelical minister, family man, committed Christian, and gay. In Strangers, White chronicles 25 years of being confused, exorcised, shocked (literally), and nearly driven to suicide.
The New Testament and Homosexuality
by Robin Scroggs (1983)
A first-rate biblical scholar introduces the reader to basic principles of biblical interpretation and applying those principles to the (very few) verses that seem to address homosexuality in the New Testament.
Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View
by Rabbi Chaim Rapoport (2004)
Rapoport addresses homosexual issues raised from the perspective of the holy Torah, not as an attempt to provide definitive answers, but as a basis for consultation, discussion and ultimately decision making.
Queer Theory and the Jewish Question
by Daniel Boyarin (2003)
The essays in this volume boldly map the historically resonant intersections between Jewishness and queerness, between homophobia and anti-semitism, and between queer theory and theorizations of Jewishness.
Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics
by Jose Esteban Munoz (1999)
In eight essays, Munoz, an assistant professor of performance studies at NYU, explores the political and social impact of black, Latino and Asian performance artists on mainstream culture.
Same Sex Marriage and the Constitution
by Evan Gerstmann (2003)
Does the Constitution protect the right to same-sex marriage? Taking a careful look at what he calls one of the most important constitutional issues facing society, Evan Gerstmann looks at the legal debate, and asks whether, in a democratic society, the courts, rather than voters, should resolve the question.

Voices of Despair and Hope: Putting a Face on Homosexuality
by John R. Scudder, Jr. and Anne H. Bishop (2004)
This book attempts a new approach on the issue of homosexuality in the church by putting a face on homosexuality through disclosing how persons of faith who are homosexual and their parents experience the church. Their despair and hope is expressed in over fifty interviews with persons who are fundamentalist, mainstream, and liberal Christians.
Courting Equality: A Documentary History of America’s First Legal Same-Sex Marriages
by Patricia A. Gozemba and Karen Kahn. Photos by Marilyn Humphries. (2007)
This book shows both what the struggle for equality looks like and what it feels like…documents an important piece of American history and our national project of expanding fairness and ending discrimination.
Do’s & Don’ts of Dealing with the Religious Right
by Marc Adams and Todd Tuttle (2007)
The must-have guide. A great tool for family, bloggers and educators.
Since My Last Confession: A Gay Catholic Memoir
by Scott D. Pomfret (2000)
When a devout Catholic, porn-writing, sodomite lawyer fights to protect the Massachusetts same-sex marriage laws, he finds that his main adversary is the same Roman Catholic Church he loves and supports with fervor. Since My Last Confession humorously maps the gay Catholic experience from one end of the rainbow to the other.
Transgender Reading
True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism—For Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals
by Mildred L. Brown and Chloe Ann Rounsley (2003)
According to Booklist editorial reviews, True Selves is filled with wisdom and understanding. This groundbreaking book paints a vivid portrait of conflicts transsexuals face on a daily basis–and the courage they must summon as they struggle to reveal their true being to themselves and others.
Transgender Care: Recommended Guidelines, Practical Information, and Personal Accounts
by Gianna E. Israel, Donald E. Tarver, and Diane Shaffer (1998)
Directed to professionals in the health and therapeutic fields, but clear and readable for non-professionals, this book outlines the differences between gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Transgender Care proves to be very useful for those already associated with transgender issues.
She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders
by Jennifer Finney Boylan (2003)
Jennifer Finney Boylan’s book offers a look into the true story of the life of a transgendered person. As a mismatched mind and body, the author gives the reader a sense of the confusion that results, that is, until the day James realizes that, he would be happier if he became a woman.
by Ellen Wittlinger (2007)
Discover the struggles of a transgender teenager, Grady, who does everything he can to get past the insults and on to a life he truly deserves. With the support of a new ally, Sebastian, and, unexpectedly, the gorgeous senior, Kita Charles, Grady works as hard as he can in search of his identity and strives for acceptance.
Understanding Bisexuality
Dual Attraction: Understanding Bisexuality
by Martin Weinberg, Colin Williams, and Douglas Pryor (1995)
Based on extensive research on gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and heterosexuals, Dual Attraction provides the first major study of bisexuality.
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out
by Loraine Hutchins and Lani Kaahumanu (1991)
This book emphasizes the enormous gray area that lies between gay and straight in modern culture. Bi Any Other Name presents the personal stories of an extraordinarily diverse group of bisexuals.
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic
by Randy Shiltz (2004)
By the time America woke up to the dangers of the AIDS epidemic, the virus had spread to every corner of the nation. The country’s most prominent AIDS reporter answers many of the questions posed by this virus. Against this backdrop, Shilts recounts the heroic stories of individuals and of the gay community.
Borrowed Time: An AIDS Memoir
by Paul Monette (1998)
The story of Paul and Roger starts off as the ultimate love story of two people who found themselves in their partner. Their struggle with Roger’s diagnosis and illness just cements that feeling of absolute oneness. Borrowed Time is a profoundly emotional tale of AIDS and true love from the pen of a gifted writer, according to Publishers Weekly editorial reviews.
Love Undetectable: Notes on Friendship, Sex, and Survival
by Andrew Sullivan (1999)
According to editorial reviews, Love Undetectable is a scholarly, impassioned, wide-ranging, and embattled memoir that is ultimately not about homosexuality or plague, but about humanity and mortality.
On the Down Low: A Journey Into the Lives of “Straight” Black Men Who Sleep with Men
by AJ.L. King (2004)
King exposes a closeted culture of sex between black men who lead “straight” lives. The trend is proving to have skyrocketing health consequences for wives and girlfriends unwittingly caught in the double lives of their men; one in every 160 black women carries HIV. Interviews, statistics, and first-hand knowledge come together in this book to tell everything an African American woman needs to know on this volatile topic.
Losing Uncle Tim
by Marykate Jordan (1989)
In a gentle, realistic story, Daniel describes his friendship with his favorite uncle. Daniel learns that Uncle Tim has AIDS and must come to terms with losing a family member that he loves. For Ages 6-10.
Alex, the Kid with AIDS
by Linda Girard (1991)
Avoiding both melodrama and excessive information packing, this is a casually told story about the adjustment between a boy with AIDS and his often rambunctious classmates. For Ages 6-12.